A "Revolutionary" play was written and performed by George Washington LIVES! at Stone Bridge School and six performances of one scene at Regent University Theater...
"A Revolutionary Christmas Story" tells of Jocko Graves and why George Washington commissioned America's First Statue of Liberty to honor the boy.

Next time you see a "Lawn Jockey", pause and salute the devotion to duty of Jocko Graves, hero and boy soldier, who gave his life for your liberty, doing his duty, standing his post, and freezing to death in the freezing rain on Christmas night, holding the lantern to signal the point for the American Army to cross back across the Delaware after the successful Raid on Trenton, that turned the tide of the War for Independence!

[Click on the image to enlarge, click again to magnify so to read the opening scene of the play...]

[Click on the image to enlarge, click again to magnify so to read another scene between Washington and Lee...]

The Poet Laureate of the American Revolution was Phillis Wheatley, a black slave woman in Boston. She wrote a poem praising General George Washington, of which part is provided on this page 44 of the ebook PRAYER WARRIOR Washington.
[Click on the image to enlarge, click again to magnify.]