"General George Washington" meets with Senator-Elect George Allen at the Roanoke Hotel in December a.d. 2000, weeks after the General Election and weeks before the Senator was sworn into office in Washington.
George W. had just given George Allen a charming children's book by Mrs. Jean Fritz titled "George Washington's Breakfast" that shows George Washington and a little boy named --- George Allen! (George W. Allen, George Washington Allen, whose birthday was the same as George Washington...).

George Allen gave a great good laugh at the fact that the boy hero of the story was George Allen, and a portion of his bright, broad smile is captured in this photograph.

Later a video was made of the aide to General George Washington, namely "Major" Manship, doing a GrandPaPa George Revolutionary Reader Read-along reading of "George Washington's Breakfast" to his beloved boy, Jamey Manship in a red sweat shirt like the boy, George Allen, George W. Allen, George Washington Allen, on the pages (but not the front cover) of the book "George Washington's Breakfast".
Jamey likes to get PaPa's powdered wig, put it on his very own "noggin", and go "joggin'" around the house with an American flag between his legs like a stick-pony, calling out with joy, "Little Georgey, Little Georgey". Like Father, Like Son, Like "father of His country". (See the picture in the lower right of eight on the left side of the video cover.)

Here is a screen shot of the Hotel Roanoke entrance, and below is a screen shot of the Hotel Roanoke complex with the Blue Ridge Mountains and the George Washington National Forest in the distance.
Come and enjoy the Hotel Roanoke, enjoy reading the classic book with your child or grandchild, and even enjoy having breakfast with George Washington at the Hotel Roanoke... or even over a campfire in the George Washington National Forest. (advanced reservations required, email for more information.)
By the way, Senator George Allen, is George Felix Allen, and his birthday is March 8, 1952, his wife is Susan, not Martha, though they do wisely live in Mount Vernon like George and Martha. George and Susan are blessed to have three children, Tyler, Forrest, and Brooke. Senator Allen reports that his political heroes are Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan, fine choices, and one would expect George Washington as his political hero goes without saying!

Also, see the joy in the boy's face another time George Washington's Breakfast was read by his loving father to Jamey, or "Little Georgey", as you can see "Little Georgey" wearing a powdered wig and waving the American flag in the middle, and in the upper right, Jamey is doing the upright, right, and righteous thing to do, as he was taught as a toddler to do, to pray, so to be a Prayer Warrior, as is his father and the father of His country, George Washington. Jamey was taught that he is just as powerful a Prayer Warrior as George Washington, because Our Father in Heaven listens to all of our prayers equally. Teach your children the same powerful lesson.
Below is an Amazon.com book review of "George Washington's Breakfast" that shares why this book is so good to read to children because it teaches them the value of work and persistence in gaining knowledge. That is always a good lesson, and in this story Jean Fritz teaches the lesson in a most charming way. Last time I checked, there were 81 used copies of the book on Amazon.com for less than $5 for you to buy along with buying a DVD of the Aide to George Washington reading the book to his son for the price of $17.35 for when GW was a three year old boy in a.d. 1735.

Below the Amazon.com review is a recipe for Amazin' pancakes that are "Age defying", and a picture of Washington Brand pancakes...
Maybe that is the secret to Washington's long life, and how it is that...
George Washington LIVES!
(P.S. The real secret is engraved in stone over where George Washington rests each night at Mount Vernon. If you want to know the secret, click on the envelope icon below and send me a note requesting the secret...)

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