Professor William Allen of Michigan State University invited "George Washington" to speak to members of the Michigan State University community at the law school auditorium on Monday, 19 September a.d. 2005.
Professor Allen and Mount Vernon Board of Visitors Member James Renwick Manship, Sr. met at Mount Vernon Estate in June a.d. 1999 at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute Conference held at Mount Vernon and on Capitol Hill House of Representatives office building.
Professor Allen is the editor of a Liberty Classics volume of great value titled, "George Washington: A Collection". The very first page is worth the price of the book, it is a Thank You Note from the nine year old George headed, "Dear Dickie," to his friend and neighbor boy, Richard Henry Lee.
Get your copy of the Allen Liberty Classics Book, and enjoy!

"General Washington" sent a Thank You Letter to Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia for his excellent work in creating the legislation that requires educational institutions that receive federal funds the requirement to promote study of this Constitution for the United States of America.

The intro / bio info to the right is more than you likely need or care to know about the aide to GW, his Mount Vernon neighbor and intepretor, James Renwick Manship, Sr.
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