A very fine website on Washington..."father of His country"
As the father of Robert E. Lee, Congressman and General Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee said in his 26 December a.d. 1799 eulogy of Washington in the Congress"
"First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none..."
And as this website says above, Second to none including Lincoln, and Reagan, both of whom were wise enough to learn from Washington, and guide their actions as elected servants from the man who closed his letters with the words:
"Your most humble & obedient servant,".
Might our elected servants, and appointed servants such as judges, in all levels of government today learn that lesson from Washington, that each is a servant of the people, not the ruler of the people?
Statesmanship of George Washington PBS-Claremont Institute for Statesmanship... Website
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