The framed photos seen here are Mac screen shots of photographs by Miss Amanda Taylor of the Columbia Star newspaper.
A scan of part of the print version of her nice article is also provided, that is where Amanda quotes the Director of the Cayce Museum, Leo Redmond, about "Lord Cornwallis" and "George Washington", and then quotes "George Washington" on how he got into "this business" of being "the father of His country". That paper version of the Star was mailed to "George" by "Martha", Martha Chavis, that is.
The photos of the lovely little girl are by her proud as punch GrandMaMa, Martha Chavis.
You can see the online article by the lovely and talented Miss Amanda Taylor at:
The Online videos are by the multi-talented "Colonel" Steve Isom of SCFilms.com (that is a picture of him to the side AND under George Washington in the second video image, below), some of his videos are at www.HistorySC.com, these specific ones are available at:

The "father of His country" gives a hug to a lovely child of God named Christian, whose father serves in the military in Alaska, and who were visiting grandparents in Cayce. The little lady is the pride of her parents and her grand-parents, with the grandmother named Martha... a favorite name of George as you may well know.
A favorite pastime of "Good Old George" is to do his GrandPaPa George Revolutionary Reader Read-Alongs with children like Luke and Christian. {Contact GrandPaPa George at George@WashingtonLIVES.us to have him come to your community or school to do a "Revolutionary Reading".}
[Click on the title above to link to SCfilms.com to view the streaming video, prepared by a new aide to General Washington, Colonel S. Isom, who like Dr. Franklin, is Dr. Isom, an inventor who "plays with electricity" as you will see when you view the videos... By the way, Colonel Isom is standing tall directly in front of the statue of George Washington, and between the "President" and the Congressman, Joe Wilson. And the "Lobster Back" Red Coat is the gentleman General Charles, Lord Cornwallis, whose "Aide" is Howard Burnham of Columbia. http://www.howardburnham.com/.]
Come Home to Cayce, Come Home to HistorySC.com...

The Online videos are by the multi-talented "Colonel" Steve Isom of SCFilms.com (that is a picture of him to the side AND under George Washington in the second video image, below), some of his videos are at www.HistorySC.com, these specific ones are available at:
Again thanks to good ole' Southern Hospitality of the fine folks at Cayce Historical Museum, who served up "Carolina Champagne and Caviar" (Iced Tea and Boiled Peanuts)...
... and to the photographers and videographers: Amanda Taylor of The Columbia Star, Steve Isom of SCFilms.com, and Martha Chavis, of Grandmama's snapshots of Christian.

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