The Christmas Gift in the Year of Our Lord Jesus 1997 of a Poem from Columbia, South Carolina area Kilbourne Park Baptist Church Seniors Sunday School Director "Jed" Fleshman to "JameyGW" Manship, an author, actor, and advocate, was edited first to add power and passion to the words, and then edited to first person so to share with Prayer Warriors All Across America from anno domini 2000 to today...
[Click on the image to enlarge, click again to magnify further.]
To listen to a reading of the poem, go to the link below...
Poem posted on 24 June anno domini 2006 along with a day at Cayce Historical Museum where the co-author of the poem, James Renwick Manship, Sr., appeared in his role of The Spirit of George Washington the Christian LIVES! to bless many, many children, fathers and mothers with the words and work of Washington.
"There are none so blind as those who will not see." and some who call "crazy" to portray the "father of His country" George Washington; but those who have the wisdom to see an inspired by God performance of "George Washington LIVES!" know it is "crazy" if you do not see, the man, or the mission...

The primary poet is Jed Fleshman who is mentioned below on the website of Kilbourne Park Baptist Church,...

An image of Kilbourne Park Baptist Church where Jed Fleshman puts out weekly poems for his Sunday School Department... Go and enjoy his Gift of God...

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