is the headline with photos on the "magazine" section Neighbors South of the Friday, 5 January a.d. 2007 issue of The Roanoke Times.
At the very top is the leader line "2006 Movies @@ Good, bad, and really ugly."
In America and Virginia in a.d. 2006 have been some really ugly fights of "The same fight" - the same old fight, the fight for the minds and hearts and votes of Americans so to control the reigns of government and reign over the people who give power to the public servants, not public officials, or public leaders, or even representatives of the public, but rather public servants.
Remember that President Washington would close his letters with the words:
"Your most humble & obedient servant,"
Might it be wise that if George Washington was conscious of being an obedient servant of the public in our American Republic (NOT a "democracy" a form of government that the Founding Fathers feared), that today's "public servants" might humble themselves to be wise and do likewise?
On the front page of The Roanoke Times are the headlines:
"The same fight"
"Pelosi takes up gavel as first female speaker".
Is that a gavel or a gauntlet?
Is it a duty or a duel?
Yet far away from the limelight of the national events and the front page, back in the real world deep in the heart of America, in the beautiful and blessed Blue Ridge, on the Community page, page 4, of the Neighbors South section, is the headline:
"George Washington in the flesh". (and it appears also...in the blood?)
Retired many a year ago, "George Washington" is no longer our Nation's most sought after leader, or even a "Top Dog". Sadly, many students do not even remember who Washington was, the "Man for the Millenniums", the "World's Apostle of Liberty", the "Caped Crusader for this Constitution", the "father of His country", "America's Original Action Hero", the man who as President was "Second to None".
And in this article, the Top Dog may well be truly -- a dog -- a hunting dog afraid of the sound of gunfire,...
...whereas a brash and brave, young George Washington once wrote after a battle that may have started the French and Indian War "There is something lovely about the sound ..." of a bullet whizzing by.
Crazy you say? Crazy like a Fox! (related to a Top Dog?) Certainly the lovely sound is more sweet than the thud of bullet hitting you!
[Sorry, but could not find a link to the story online at www.Roanoke.com, so if you want to read the article click on the Comments line below so you can send a comment or a request via email.]
You can read some more about the American Red Cross Blood Drive and "GW" being there to cheer on the Citizens to do their patriotic duty and give during the "Giving Season" of Christmas, ...
...but also "GW" was sharing a warning based on his own experience to ONLY GIVE ONE TIME on this one day -- three times in six months is also fine -- but NOT THREE TIMES in ONE DAY, for that, as Washington came to know, will really "lay you low..."
...and like George Washington LIVES! take quite some time to revive and really live again!
The article by Roanoke reporter Erica Myatt also tells how on Christmas Night, "GW" went to visit Veterans in the Salem V.A. Hospital, and to (kneel and) pray with them.
The article also tells how the local Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Chapter of premier patriot ladies gather gifts to take to the Veterans in the Salem V.A. Hospital,...
... and tells how one of their fine young ladies, their Vice Regent, Mrs. Samuel Fishburne Woody (Lee Hardin Woody) takes her gun-shy Labrador Retriever to the V.A. Post Traumatic Stress unit for Pet Therapy with the "Shell Shocked" and gun-shy Veterans there.
Truly a dog is a man's best friend, (next to a loving lady like Lee, its master, that is... don't want to create bad blood with the women-folk) and the Veterans love this dog's unconditional gift of love, a quality of love that most women or men have yet to learn how to give. What a Top Dog! (The Top Dogs in the photo below are Zoe Mae, the black Lab, and the yello Lab is Zeb a.k.a. "The Mess Pot" -- let's not ask from what that name derives... but somehow Lee is now known to some as the "Mess Pot Mama". )

And - oh by the way - the article does not have room to mention that the caring and loving lady who takes her Labrador to "love up" on the Veterans, cares for the soldiers like Martha Washington did, (see post below about the song the soldiers created and named "To my Hero, George" or "Lady Washington" that was "recorded" by an officer in General Washington's Army named Captain George Bush, yep, same name and former rank as the current president), and this fine lady just so happens to be a "Washington Family Descendant", ...
...who "George Washington" was able to meet "his Cousin Lee" just a wee two months before in October at a Washington Family luncheon in Yorktown and dinner in Williamsburg, both held in conjunction with the 225th Anniversary Celebrations of the Revolutionary War Yorktown Victory (in Jesus) Battle and British Surrender to Lincoln not Washington (read more on that in a post below),...
... where the American Army "turned the world upside down" as described in Acts 17:6, ...
The article tells a lot very nicely yet does not have the room to share that Washington's very special Cousin Lee Woody is a Learning Specialist/Assistive Technology School Specialist teacher at Cave Springs Middle School where on 15 November her "cousin" George Washington made a surprise visit to her and her students...
... after GW was talking at Faith Christian School directly across the street on the topic of "this Constitution for the United States of America"...
...and providing the teacher Mrs. Habib for each student his or her own copy of "this Constitution for"...
... along with a study sheet for a deeper understanding of the Supreme origins of the Supreme Law of the Land...
...that at this time of Christmas gift giving, of presents -- the present or gift of blood -- that connects each Citizen with the priceless gift of Liberty in Law that is this Constitution, a gift purchased for all Americans with so much pain, suffering, sacrifice, and blood...
When we think of all that we have been given in this much Blessed by God country, and we think of the soldiers at Trenton and Valley Forge, whose feet bled in the snow for lack of shoes and yet they marched onward as Christian Soldiers; who gave their lives for our Liberty, we recognize what a great Gift Our Father God gave us on Constitution Day. and even more so at Christmas, the gift of His Son, Jesus, the Supreme Law made Flesh.
Finally, this post was posted originally on the Twelfth Day of the Twelve Days of Christmas, and on this day, January 6th, in the Year of Our Lord 1759, George Washington made the best decision in his well lived life, when with the widow Martha Dandridge Custis by his side in the White House (her plantation home in Virginia, not the Executive Mansion in Washington), he said those life changing words when blessed with a God given marriage,
"I do."
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