Friday, March 10, 2000

Washington Georgia welcomes George Washington

George Washington visits city named for him

A welcome visitor from the past swept through Washington recently on a whirlwind tour of namesake cities and counties throughout the country.

George Washington arrived at the Washington City Hall Friday, March 10, in his full Colonial uniform and a flurry of activity intended to fan a flame of patriotism and renewed appreciation for the noble values which gave birth to America.

Of course it wasn’t the original Father of Our Country, but James Renwick Manship of Alexandria, Va., is definitely a reasonable — and convincing — facsimile.

In the nostalgic setting of the older part of the Mary Willis Library, Manship could easily be accepted as George Washington as he recited favorite quotations and traced the history of the developing nation.

Although it is now generally considered “politically incorrect” to promote religious virtues as part of a political credo, Manship emphasizes the deep religious faith that guided George Washington in his daily life and his national leadership.

“After the victory in our War for Independence,” Manship said, “many soldiers and citizens wanted to crown Washington as king, but he steadfastly held to the rallying cry of the patriots in the war: `No King but King Jesus!’

“Truly, Washington was the greatest renaissance man,” says Manship, a former officer in the U.S. Navy, as he spoke of Washington’s accomplishments as statesman, military genius, architect, surveyor, and scientific farmer.

“In fact, he advised Thomas Jefferson on crop rotation. He was one of the first to abandon tobacco as a crop because it ruined the soil.”

Manship grew up in Chamblee outside of Atlanta. He is a 1974 graduate of Auburn University, where he was a Navy ROTC student. After leaving the Navy in 1988 he moved to Alexandria, Va. to work at the American Defense Institute to promote voting. He is a computer consultant and trainer.

Manship has developed a variety of programs on the George Washington character he portrays. He is available to present a program “for free, for a fee, or for a love offering.” “This is a sort of ministry for me. It is an act of faith.”

Manship has a goal of visiting all the counties (33) and cities (121) in the United States named for George Washington. He pointed out that the sun rises on Washington, Maine, and sets on the State of Washington, shining along the way on all the Washingtons in the country.

“It is a privilege to be here in the first city to be incorporated in the name of George Washington,” he said.

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