This man is one who for decades has done much to revive and extend the honored name and reputation of the "father of His country", George Washington. Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler founded Mantle Ministries of 228 Still Ridge, Bulverde, TX 78163-1878. (830) 438-3777 to tell the story of GW and many other inspiring stories of our Godly heritage.
Learn more at http://mantleministries.com/biography/
"The Spirit of George Washington LIVES!", also known as James Renwick Manship, Sr., is a relative "newcomer" in the portrayal of George Washington, yet for six years has wanted to meet this great patriot, Little Bear Wheeler, who has done so much for the making the name of George Washington again a "National Treasure" in the hearts, minds, and souls of American youth, and their parents, too.
The photographs are by a home school graduate, Seth Fisher/Through My Lens Photography (www.throughmylensphotography.com), and sent to GW by Susannah Miller. Both are important parts of the future of America.
In Richmond at the Convention Center, not far from the Capitol of the Commonwealth of Virginia where there are two statues of George Washington, one an equestrian one outside and the famous Houdin statute inside the Thomas Jefferson designed Capitol building, in June anno domini 2006, finally these two "GW"s met, introduced by Mrs. Florence Feldman, organizer of the annual Home Educators of Virginia Annual Convention where Little Bear was the Star Attraction, and for good reason as Little Bear spun wide and wonderful stories that sparked stars in the eyes of the children and adults alike.
A few months before, on George Washington's Birthday, 22 February anno domini 2006, also in Richmond at the Library of Virginia, George Washington LIVES! gave his rendition of the story of the Making of George Washington as a boy up to becoming a fine young man. A few weeks later at the Alabama Home School convention in Birmingham, GW Lives! had copies of the wonderful book "The Making of George Washington" by Congressional Medal of Honor recipient BGEN William H. Wilbur that tells much the same story in the printed word.
Many in that Library of Virginia audience were at the Richmond Convention Center to see Little Bear tell his wonderful stories of George Washington, so the home school scholars got a double dose of GW, and with this picture are even seeing double!
These two "living portraits" of George Washington were anything but silent stone statues as they compared notes on the real George Washington they both so much admire and both feel so privileged to portray to audiences near and far, all across America, from Sea to Shining Sea, in 121 cities, towns and villages, 7 rivers and streams, 8 mountains, 9 to 19 colleges and universities, 10 lakes to 33 Washington Counties from Washington County Maine, to Washington, District of Columbia, to the first capital of Texas, Washington on the Brazos, to Washington State, the only state named for a President, America is the "Land of Washington"!

[Click on the Title above to link to the Mantle Ministries website of Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler. He has lots of nice products for you and your children.]
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