Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yorktown Victory Fireworks - almost like the sparkle of her eyes

The fireworks at the Yorktown Victory (in Jesus) Celebration were sparkling and magnificent...

But so were the sparkling excitement in the eyes of the many thousands of Americans and French who attended.

One lovely lady whose eyes were sparkling watched the fireworks from near the Customs House of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was Amy Nichole of Utah, via New York City where she has studied at the Fashion Institute to create Custom
prepared "Revolutionary" clothes. [For your next set of elegant apparel, see her website:].

Oh, by the way, in a.d. 1763, age 31 - before a man "shrinks" from advanced age, George Washington wrote his tailor in London, Charles Lawrence, saying: "Prepare me a suit of clothes for a man of my height - to wit, six feet high..." (so GW debunks the myth of most historians that George Washington was 6 feet 2 inches to 6 feet 3.5 inches tall.)

The lesson to be learned is that physical height is not the measure of a man, tiny Jamey Madison, like Washington, was a "Giant" of a man, two men primarily responsible for the Miracle in Philadelphia, the Political Revolution that George Washington led after the Military Revolution was won at Yorktown.

Become a "Giant of a Man", learn so to defend and protect "this Constitution".

Be "Revolutionary", build up on the past for a better future.

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